Here's a particularly odious gem from today's Daily Beast:

In the past several days we've had Joe the Plumber, Wardrobe-gate (and the subsequent back-fill), Bid-rigging Gate (waiting for the back-fill), and now this. This is the direct legacy of Nixon's CREEP and the disquieting aroma of a 2000 election decided by a whisker in a state coincidentally governed by the President's brother. And more recently, the phone jamming anecdote we've heard from convicted felon Allan Raymond's TV interviews to sell How to Rig an Election (haven't read it yet).
These episodes, and this hateful letter, symbolize the toilet paper insolubly stuck to the GOP's shoes.
Politics is dirty, and neither side has a halo, but here we are a week away from the most important election in our lifetimes, and we're still waiting for comparable revelations about the democrats. Liberal media squelching the dish? Where are their convicted election cheaters?
If you told this history to third graders, they'd conclude that these GOP guys don't like to share and don't play nice.
Some Doubt Remains, But Basic Doubt Removed
We've struggled, we've had our doubts--still have 'em. Will Obama, if elected, give us a redux Jimmy Carter? That would be very very bad.
But the more we've learned, the more we're repulsed by the Republicans and propelled toward Obama, we've warmed up to the idea and ideals of a President Obama.
We watched the PBS program last night about McCain and Obama. Extremely illuminating. Two honorable, admirable men, similarly driven by ego and ambition. For each, this election is the last "to do" on a long-held agenda. McCain, undoubtedly more balanced to the center than he must appear to appease potential Republican voters. Obama, surprisingly and demonstrably more conservative than ordinarily portrayed.
For McCain, however, the virtually pre-ordained, paint-by-number tragedy documented here (Monday, October 13, 2008-THE JURY MAY BE OUT, BUT THE EVIDENCE IS IN...), and by way smarter people elsewhere, is nearly complete. A good, forthright man, who was incontrovertibly maverick on many important issues, is gradually strangling himself in the entangled logoed scarves of his morally threadbare coalition.
Obama has by every reasonable measure kept closer faith with his values, and has disassociated from those who, formerly inside the tent, attempted to smuggle dishonor in (for example, Rev. Wright and more recently ACORN, although that still rankles).
So we take the wisdom wherever we find it. And thank the darkness, for without it, we would not be able to distinguish the light.
McCain is hanging (by a thread) in this race because of race. Period. McCain may still win (it reads like a tossup, no matter what the polls say), but by the great preponderance of evidence, his victory would be far from honorable and would promise nothing resembling a new day for America.
Thanks to the GOP and their minions for the recent reminders, and for at least clearing up all doubt as to who must get our votes now.
Time to drain the swamp, and mourn for the fallen Mr. McCain.
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